Types of Prosthesis
Hybrid Prostheses
In edentulous mouths, especially in people who have been edentulous for many years and the bone, which is a good support for the lip, has completely disappeared, the gum tissue should also be replaced. The aim here is to provide tissue harmony and aesthetics, to restore speech, chewing and hygiene.
In the construction of hybrid prostheses, it also gives the physician the chance to use fewer implants, that is, it is possible to make a fixed prosthesis on top of 4-6 implants with hybrid prostheses. For this, the structure on the implant must also be designed from the beginning. The prosthesis to be made on the second part, which we call the abutment on the implant, has options in shape and form.
Removable Prostheses on Implant
In cases where the jawbone is very thin, we may not be able to offer our patients a completely fixed prosthesis option. In this case, with removable prostheses on implants, our patients can get rid of the constant movement of the lower jaw and the constant falling of the upper jaw. For this, 2-4-5 implants are attached to the lower jaw and a removable prosthesis is made on structures such as bars or inventions to be made on these implants. By inserting and removing the removable prosthesis, it is ensured that our patient provides hygiene in that area.
Treatment Options for Removable Prosthesis on Lower Jaw Implant
Physicians and patients are aware that lower prostheses are much more problematic than all other prostheses. The aim of implant application is to make the prosthesis as fixed as possible.
When complete denture patients have a removable prosthesis on implant, they also treat the bone loss caused by tooth loss and the associated aesthetic and chewing losses, that is, they regain their health.
Advantages of Implant Removable Prostheses
Protect bone loss in the lower anterior region
They provide an increase in aesthetics
Stabilisation of the prosthesis during chewing and mastication
Prevents strokes in soft tissue, prevents thinning of soft tissue
They support the language in speech, provide speech correction
They provide thinning in the volume of the prosthesis, allowing a thinner prosthesis to be made
What is the Advantage of Implant Removable Prosthesis over Fixed Prosthesis?
They provide less implants, less bone addition, less specific placement, that is, they give our patient the chance of a stable prosthesis with two or four implants placed in the lower anterior region where the jawbone is thickest.
Soft tissue problems are less because it is sufficient to brush around the implant because they are inserted and removed
Since they are removed while sleeping, they are not exposed to squeezing or grinding during the night
It is ensured that this period is spent with a mobile temporary prosthesis until the actual prosthesis is made.
Supports the lip and cheek with a gum appearance that supports the soft tissue and eliminates melting in this area
Disadvantages of Implant Removable Prostheses
The disadvantage of this type of prosthesis is completely related to the patient’s desire, because patients generally do not want to remove their prosthesis. While fixed prostheses are generally perceived as part of the body, wearing a removable prosthesis and cleaning it in this way is psychologically undesirable for patients.
From time to time, there may be deformations and fluctuations in the bars, from time to time in the part of the prosthesis where the bars are placed.