In the early days of dentistry, the treatments provided that the crowns or fillings were physically attached to the tooth. For example, when amalgam fillings were made, even if the tooth tissue was healthy after the decay was cleaned, extra tissue had to be removed for the treatment to be long-lasting.
With the developing technology, chemical bonding (adhesion) to the tooth tissue could be achieved. After this step, our treatment options started to develop and diversify rapidly. Today, inlays, onlays, overlays or composite fillings, which we call porcelain fillings, are a development of the adhesion technique.
Porcelain is an aesthetic, healthy and durable material that we use in veneers (crown restorations). We love using porcelain in dentistry and we now know how to bond it to the tooth. In this way, we can avoid the missing points of filling materials with porcelain fillings.
What are Inlay, Onlay, Overlay (Porcelain Filling)?
Porcelain filling is a treatment option that prevents us from completely cutting and veneering teeth that cannot be filled, especially those with very little healthy tissue left, with the old method. At the same time, porcelain fillings are more cleanable, long-lasting and strong than standard composite fillings, and they have started to replace composite fillings thanks to their aesthetic properties.
Porcelain filling is called porcelain filling when the tooth is completed with porcelain material like a puzzle. They are called inlay, onlay, overlay according to the amount of lost tissue of the tooth. Inlays, like composite fillings, are made in cases where the tooth does not lose any reaction. Onlay is done when the tissue loss in the tooth has progressed towards the cusps and the porcelain is large enough to replace some tubercles. An overlay is when the entire chewing surface of the tooth is covered with porcelain.
Overlay treatments are used to evenly distribute chewing forces to the tooth in occlusion upgrades, tooth cracks or in cases with high risk of fracture. They are frequently preferred especially in patients with teeth clenching problems and teeth to be treated due to cracks or abrasion.
What Should Be Done After Porcelain Filling Treatment?
The aim of porcelain fillings is to return the tooth to its healthy tooth form without removing extra tissue such as crowns. After the treatment, it is essential that the bonding technique is applied in the best way and the closing and chewing movements are carefully organized by the physician. It is smoother and more comfortable to use because it is more compatible with the tooth than normal fillings. Dental floss is used in the same way around the porcelain filled tooth as between all teeth, it does not damage the filling. Flossing is not done only on the day of bonding, only brushing can be done.
It is recommended not to consume very sticky, extremely hot or extremely cold foods for 1-2 days immediately after the bonding session. Because the adhesive used continues to harden even in the first 24-48 hours. After reaching its final hardness, it can be used healthily like your own teeth. Smile with technology.