New Smile Design
The teeth given to us by nature may turn yellow and break over time, or they may have been misaligned, misshapen or discoloured by antibiotics and similar things from the beginning.
With the developing technology, it is possible to close the gaps between the teeth or to add a new design to the teeth by correcting their alignment.
Now, with the developing technology; we can also create an idea about this treatment by evaluating the photos taken by our patients on their phones from the front. Our patients can even do this by themselves using different programmes. So; they can create an idea about their new smile.
Porcelain Lamina
When it is decided to have porcelain lamina, photographs of the teeth and face are taken first. Because the teeth are there for the smile, so the teeth should be evaluated with the integrity of the face. Sometimes small touches on the teeth make a big difference, sometimes it is necessary to touch a lot of work when a bigger smile is needed. This is completely decided by seeing the face with the MOCK UP we will make to our patients.
In order to plan the smile design, the wishes of the person are first determined. These wishes are understood through a series of related questionnaires. In this questionnaire, the elements that the person does not like in their teeth are identified one by one and at the same time, what kind of smile they want to achieve is revealed with the questions asked. We also try to understand the wishes of our patients with cases we have already done in our clinic.
It is very important for us to look at the before and after of the treatments we have done in the past together and to understand the wishes of our patient in the meantime.
For this reason, our first examination lasts about 1.5 hours, because the position and health of the teeth are evaluated one by one, both by X-ray and by special 3D scanners. When the wishes are understood as a result of this evaluation, we would like to show a three-dimensional image of these wishes to our patients.
Pre-Proofing Mock-Up
It is the three-dimensional image of what is in the dentist’s head and what is in our patient’s head. In the meantime, our patient has the chance to see the new image on his/her face, take photos and even spend a day with those teeth. In our clinic, we know that our patients have different temperaments at the decision-making stage. For this reason, we also allow a decision-making process specific to each temperament. Some people feel the need to show their teeth in the body to their surroundings and get ideas, and for this reason, MOCK UP is a method that allows them to spend a day with their teeth to meet these needs. After the decision-making phase has passed, we can proceed to the impression phase.
Measure Taking
Sometimes a preparation is made on the tooth without the need for anaesthesia. Nowadays, with the developing technologies, porcelain lamina measurements can be taken even without cutting the teeth. Digital measurement methods and manual measurement methods are used.
Making Temporary Laminates
After the impression is taken, we prepare composite temporisers for our patient. These composite temporisers give our patient an idea about the new tooth. This is a very important stage, because the process spent with this tooth for about a week, that is, until the new teeth are made, both shapes the lip support and adapts our patient to the new tooth appearance.
Technician Producing Porcelain Laminate
The technique to be used in the production of porcelain laminates and the manual skills of the technician vary. There are many porcelain laminate brands and techniques. According to the result to be obtained here, the photographs and mock up taken beforehand guide the technician in this sense. When we only work on the upper teeth, the photographs to be taken from the lower works can be a guide for the patient’s new tooth appearance.
Transparency, shape, shape, new smile design are transferred to the technician one by one. For this purpose, videos are filled from time to time, the images obtained with photographs and scanners, the structure, appearance, desired and expectations of the new tooth to be made are explained to the technician one by one and the technician produces porcelain laminates by choosing the colour and material accordingly. Generally, the production time is five days.
The upper surfaces of porcelain laminates are rehearsed before polishing. After the temporary laminates are removed, porcelain laminates are placed in the mouth with adhesives that can hold the teeth in the mouth. After this placement, small micro adaptations of the teeth are carried out by the dentist because porcelain laminates are personalised designs and during the fitting, our patient has the chance to see the adaptation of the teeth to the face from all sides, colour and shape for the last time. The duration of this appointment is usually 1-1,5 hours. Our patients can come to this appointment with a companion whose aesthetic point of view they trust.
Bonding Porcelain Laminates
Porcelain laminates, which have a translucent appearance, are very fragile and delicate. Therefore, the bonding session takes approximately 1 to 1.5 hours.
During bonding, the inside of the porcelain laminates is subjected to a series of preparations. In the same way, the tooth surfaces are disinfected with special disinfectants. the aim here is to bond the porcelain laminate to the tooth in an extremely clear and solid way. once the porcelain laminate is ideally bonded, it cannot be easily removed. therefore, the bonding session requires great care and attention.
After the bonding is carried out one by one, the adhesive residues are carefully cleaned, the teeth are prepared for interface cleaning, and when the bonding session is over, the porcelain laminates are completely adapted to the teeth. In order to give our patient a longer period of use, a night plate impression is taken immediately afterwards.
What should our patients pay attention to after porcelain laminates are bonded?
Tea, coffee, cola and cigarettes should not be consumed for 24 hours from the day of bonding because these substances stain the adhesive during the full adaptation of the adhesive.
Even if bite control is performed, care should be taken not to bite until the next control.
The adhesive residues between the teeth may fall into the mouth in the form of small splinters. In this case, our patients should not panic.
From the first moment, brushing from the gums to the teeth should start carefully.
The use of the Night Plate should be started immediately.
How can I use my porcelain laminates for a long time?
It is very important not to neglect control appointments in all restorations. Of course, as with all treatments, regular oral care increases the life of the restoration.
Using the night plaque regularly, being careful when biting, especially not biting very hard things by tugging, is necessary for the long-lasting use of porcelain laminates. We should never break hard shelled things by using our front teeth. Apart from that, we can consume things like soft toast bread by biting.
The information contained in the site content is for informing visitors to our website. This information is in no way a substitute for a physician’s examination or diagnosis of a patient for medical purposes.